Friday I went to see I think it was 6 bands play at the Tribeca location 92St Y. We missed the first band, caught the 2nd, wished me'd missed that one but the rest of the bands were interesting and fun to watch. A friend of my friend was playing, Hazmat Modine. Ive seen them play before and it's quite a show. Many things going on but the music is tight, varied and fun to watch. As I'm a bit of a fan of gypsy-type music and Slavic Soul Party was the closer and they had a singer with them who was not present last I saw them. I have no idea what she was saying as I think it was in Russian (??) but it sure did sound killer. Here are some pix.
Of course, Rockband plays a role in many of my weekends with my best bud. Good thing he lives alone. (You know who you are...big hugs)
Woke up late to enjoy a mellow morning of coffee, fresh bread (literally!) and fresh fruit. I love doing that.
Sat eve I made an apple pie from some of the best apples around in Long Island where we went to his parents house for dinner (fish w/fish heads, yes, it was delicious). I haven't made an apple pie in a LONG time but it turned out pretty well. It was accompanied by homemade vanilla ice cream and trust me when I say that it was even better than it sounds! Huge nummers on that one! I'd love to take the credit but it was all someone elses patience and time. Sorry, no pie pix...didn't think of it! If you want the recipe, let me know.
Once back in the city there was a blanket of snow on everything. It was stunning. We went through Central Park in the evening in the snow, through the Ramble. Very pretty. Very quiet. The best way to do it. The sky was pink through the trees, the snow softly crunched beneath our feet, water tripped on rocks and people walked by silently enjoying the peace and quiet not heard too often in the city. Here are some pix...
Sunday was a blur except for more Rockband, yes, we Rock! Monday...back to work.
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