We will be in the parking lot before the Moonlight Hike on Sunday evening gathering gently worn or new coats and jackets for the kids (all sizes) as well as items for the dog shelter (see list below).
We would LOVE to have you join in on the hike as well, if you like. There will be a campfire afterwards that Brad was kind enough to set up for us to have and nibblies will be on hand too. Thank you, Brad!
(someone said something about Whiskey and Bourbon Balls...I'm in!)
For details on the hike click here.
-- gently used blankets (or new!), sheets, towels
-- canned/dry dog food, treats
-- laundry detergent, bleach
-- paper towels
-- leashes, collars
-- medical supplies
If you are unable to come to the parking lot before the hike to drop off items let me know and we can make arrangements or you're welcome to drop them off at my house. Let me know.
Thank you...on behalf of the Kids and the Pups!
Happy Holidays!