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Hm...well, what to say about last nights game. Great start, ok middle and quiet ending.
The fans acted like adults, thank one stormed the court during the game and nothing major happened.
Today, is a fresh light coat of snow, sunny day in Cleveland. The start of another CLE chapter. Last night was the closing of a chapter and a much needed one. I personally haven't but I think some are wasting too much time dwelling on LeBron's "decision." Yeah...I'm over it. Why waste energy on that. I've got better things to do. Like root for the guys that ARE here so we can have some fun and amazing games.
Tonight. 8 pm, The Cleveland Cavaliers play the Miami Heat.
All of CLE is a-buzz about the game. I wish I could go! But I've had this date on my calendar since "The Decision" wanting to see how it all unfolds.
Still very disappointed in LeBron and his "Decision" but actually...more so about the way he went about it (I get's business but here in CLE, we care a lot about our players).
Whatever, LeBron. We've moved on (most of us). But I want to see if it's going to be just a game or perhaps a really good game. After all, they aren't robots out on that court, they're people...with emotion. Which could bring an intense game. Hopefully it's a good clean fun game.
No soap-opera's on court, please.
Go Cavs!
Hi everyone!
My cohort-in-crime (Brad!) and I are organizing a way to give to the people AND the pets of Northeastern Ohio this year. Announcements will go out to friends, family, and to the two groups we belong to (Northeastern Ohio Adventurers and Northeastern Ohio Hiking Group). Anyone can donate items. We'll be more than happy to take them to the designated areas for you. Brad and I are trying to make this simple so more people can give.
The two groups we have decided to focus on this year are Coats For Kids and The Geauga County Dog Shelter. They are always in need of help and what better time to give!
On Sunday, Dec 19th we will be at the South Chagrin Reservation parking lot from 3–5 pm. The moonlight hike starts at 5:30 pm for those in the Adventure group. The Shelterhouse Picnic Area is located off Hawthorn Parkway in South Chagrin Reservation, east of SOM Center Road/Route 91 in Bentleyville.
After collecting goods from anyone and everyone that can donate to these two worthy organizations we will deliver them to the shelter and Coats For Kids drop off centers for you.
Here are some details to donating...
"The challenging economy, combined with the fast-approaching Northeast Ohio winter weather,makes the need for warm coats for children in our community higher than it has ever been before,”says Debbie Martinko, executive director, Coats for Kids.
Drop off a new or gently used coat and it will be given to a girl or boy from a disadvantaged family here in the area.
You can also make a monetary donation on their site. Click here to find out how.
Maybe you love dogs and want to help those in need but cannot adopt a furry, four-legged companion right now. This is a great way to show you care. Here is a list of items the shelter needs....
Contact the shelter directly to inquire about becoming a volunteer, foster family or monetary donations.
Thank you on behalf of Coats For Kids and The Geauga County Dog Shelter!